More Red Tape for Bondi


More Red Tape for Bondi

Many Bondi residents have contacted us about the Labor/Greens plan for new Urban Conservation Areas that will (if endorsed) result in added expense, paperwork and stress for anyone wanting to renovate or rebuild.

If the Urban Conservation Areas are introduced and your home is within the zone, you will now need:

• a heritage architect to write a Statement of Environmental Effects for any renovation and a Heritage Exemption Certificate for even the smallest renovation.

• a Heritage Impact Statement to demolish your home even if it is in very bad condition and has no heritage value.

• to apply for DA for minor works as Exempt and Complying Development will no longer be allowed.

Bondi is a welcoming mishmash of nationalities, demographics and diverse home styles. The Liberals believe that the community want their lives to be free of Council interference and for homeowners to have reasonable choice about their own home unless it is registered on the NSW State or Waverley Heritage Listing. These proposed changes will have a broad impact and can impact property values unnecessarily.

For more information:

If you wish to object to these changes you must act now and urgently write to Council and councillors to tell them of your concerns.